What is the Running For Office Virtual Challenge?

The Running For Office Virtual Challenge is a digital running event aimed at mobilizing the electorate to #exercisetovote for the 20 days leading up to the 2020 election. We are a virtual community of like-minded individuals supporting equality, diversity, inclusion, and most simply put, humanity. $12 of every entry fee will be donated directly to America Votes to protect every American’s right to vote and help advance progressive policies across the U.S.

Exercise, donate (we’ve made that easy), speak-up, and pledge your vote. Join our community of like-minded runners and walkers as we #exercisetovote!

How Does it Work?

Starting Wednesday, August 19th, you’re invited to sign up for the Running For Office Virtual Challenge and complete between one and three running or walking-based exercise challenges in the 20 days leading up to the 2020 election. Let’s turn this year around! Opt to focus on your health and fitness while supporting access to voting and earning cool swag along the way.

Registration is now open through October 14th. When you register for the Running For Office Virtual Challenge, you’ll receive a complimentary custom face mask in the mail perfect for wearing while you exercise. Then, on October 14th, you’ll see the 20 day challenges appear in your registration account. Between October 14th and November 2nd, you’ll have access to complete and log your results for as many of the following challenges as you like for a $40 flat fee:

Challenge 1: Run/Walk 20 minutes for 20 days

This is the perfect challenge for building healthy habits. Simply walk or run every day between October 14th and November 2nd for 20 minutes! It doesn’t matter if it’s challenging to reach one mile in 20 minutes or if you can speed through three miles in 20 minutes - either way you’re challenging yourself to be consistent in taking care of your physical and mental health! If you’re typically lifting weights, taking a virtual fitness class or practicing yoga, add a run/walk warm-up or cool-down to your workout.

Challenge 2: Run/Walk 20 miles within 20 days

Do you run or walk a few miles several times a week? This challenge is your bread and butter! Log a total of 20 miles within the 20 days to complete the challenge. If you’re an endurance athlete training for a virtual marathon or an ultra-marathon, challenge yourself by completing the total 20 miles in one outing. If you’re just getting into running, break up the 20 miles into several runs and see if you can increase your mileage each time you run. Hiking counts, too!

Challenge 3: Two (2.0) mile time trial

Have you ever completed a time trial? The 2.0 mile time trial challenge is a great workout to see where you are with your fitness and how fast you can go! If you incorporate some track work into your workouts, a 2.0 mile time trial will help you set your interval paces. If you’re just beginning your fitness journey, the time trial will provide your baseline.

What Do I Get With My Entry?

1. Custom exercise mask* - when you register, you’ll get a branded Performance X mask from BOCO Gear ($14 value), made for exercise and high output activities like running.
2. Branded event beanie* - when the challenge ends on November 2nd and the election is over, you’ll receive a custom branded beanie from BOCO Gear ($26.99 value).
3. An easy way to get involved, $12 of every registration goes to America Votes, americavotes.org, an organization aimed at protecting every American’s right to vote and helping to advance progressive policies across the U.S.