Individual membership extending from the date of joining to Dec. 31 of that year. Membership auto-renews, with the option to cancel. Members joining after Oct. 1 will have their memberships begin January 1 in the new year, and will be ineligible to vote on ballot measures until January 1. They will be eligible to participate in all Club activities upon joining, however.
Support Redmond Cycling Club and be a part of an iconic Northwest bicycle ride. Help guide the Club through volunteering and Board membership. Participate in Club rides, tours, and social activities. Access to the new RAMROD Training Series rides.
Family Membership is limited to three family members, all residing at the same address. Only one vote per Family is allowed on ballot measures. Membership extends from the join date to Dec. 31st of that year. Membership auto-renews each year with an option to cancel. Members joining after Oct. 1 will have their memberships begin January 1 in the new year, and will be ineligible to vote on ballot measures until January 1. They will be eligible to participate in all Club activities upon joining, however.
Support Redmond Cycling Club and be a part of an iconic Northwest bicycle ride. Help guide the Club through volunteering and Board membership. Participate in Club rides, tours, and social activities. Access to the new RAMROD Training Series rides.